Temporary Bulk Storage

Temporary Bulk Storage

The capacity of user’s home directory of the Zengaku Computer System is limited(see Disk Usage/Extension).

But on the other hand, temporary bulk storage (about 200GB) is also available for users. This storage has an 80GB usage limit per user.

Files in the storage are deleted at 5:00 AM every morning, except for those that are not older than 24 hours from the time created.


From Windows, mount it as follows.

  1. Right-Click on [Start] → Click on [Run] and input “cmd” in the appeared window.
  2. Type as follows:
    Z:\> net use P: \\icho23-pool01\vol_pool01\pool /yes [ENTER]
  3. Launch the Explorer and select “This PC” in the left column. Then you will find it as the P: drive in the “Network locations”.
    P: drive


It is already mounted on /pool.