Publication list
[J]: article in refereed journals
[P]: article in refereed proceedings
[O]: others
- Naoto Sakaki, Hideaki Miura, Kyo Yoshida, Yoshiyuki Tsuji,
``Quantum vortex identification method and its application to Gross-Pitaevskii simulation",
arXiv:2310.14264 [physics.flu-dyn]
- Shunsuke Kamimura, Kyo Yoshida, Yasuhiro Tokura, Yuichiro Matsuzaki,
``Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current",
Physical Review Letters 131, 090401 (2023). [J]
(arXiv:2209.05789 [quant-ph])
- Yudai Ueki, Shunsuke Kamimura, Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Kyo Yoshida, Yasuhiro Tokura,
``Quantum Battery Based on Superabsorption",
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 91, 124002 (2022). [J]
( arXiv:2205.03823 [quant-ph])
- Kyo Yoshida,
``Ensemble model of turbulence based on states of constant flux in wavenumber space",
Physical Review E 106, 045106 (2022). [J]
( arXiv:2204.02357 [physics.flu-dyn])
- Kyo Yoshida, Hideaki Miura, Yoshiyuki Tsuji,
``Energy Transfer of the Gross-Pitaevskii Turbulence in Weak-Wave-Turbulnece and Strong-Turbulence Ranges",
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 210, 103-112 (2023). [J]
(SharedIt, PDF)
- Shunsuke Kamimura, Hideaki Hakoshima, Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Kyo Yoshida, Yasuhiro Tokura,
``Quantum-Enhanced Heat Engine Based on Superabsorption",
Physical Review Letters 128, 180602 (2022). [J]
( arXiv:2106.10813 [quant-ph])
- Taketo Ariki, Kyo Yoshida,
``Hessian-based Lagrangian closure theory for passive scalar turbulence'',
Physical Review Fluids 6, 104603 (2021). [J]
( arXiv:1909.05482 [physics.flu-dyn] )
- Kyo Yoshida,
``Boltzmann entropy for quantum field systems'',
Physical Review A 101, 032110 (2020). [J]
(arXiv:1909.00961 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
- Kyo Yoshida, Hideaki Miura, Yoshiyuki Tsuji,
``Spectrum in the the Strong Turbulence Region of Gross–Pitaevskii Turbulence'',
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 196(1-2) 211---217 (2019). [J]
- Taketo Ariki, Kyo Yoshida, Keigo Matsuda, and Katsunori Yoshimatsu,
``Scale-similar clustering of heavy particles in the inertial range of turbulence'',
Physical Review E, 97, 033109 (2018). [J]
- Kyo Yoshida,
``Typicality and statewise entropy for classical field systems'',
EPL, 110, 60001 (2015). [J]
- S. Kitajima, T. Arimitsu, M. Obinata, K. Yoshida,
``Appliacation of Non-Equilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics to quantum teleportation under the environment'',
Physica A, 404, 242---270 (2014). [J]
- Kyo Yoshida, Toshihico Arimitsu,
``Inertial-range structure of Gross–Pitaevskii turbulence within a spectral closure approximation'',
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 46 (2013) 335501. [J]
(PDF, Tulips-R)
- Kohei Takechi, Kyo Yoshida, Toshihico Arimitsu,
``Numerical simulation of 2D granular particles and its analyses by means of the micropolar fluid model'',
Central European Journal of Physics, Vol.10, No.3, 684---691 (2012). [J]
- K. Takechi, K. Yoshida and T. Arimitsu,
``Constitutive equations for granular flow with uniform mean shear and spin fields'',
Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 14, No. 1(65), 13401; 1---22(2011). [J]
- Kyo Yoshida, Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Sachiko Kitajima and Toshihico Arimitsu,
``Dissipative squeezed vacuum in non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics'',
Physica A, 389(4), 705---722 (2010). [J]
(PDF, Tulips-R)
- K. Yoshida and T. Arimitsu,
``Annihilation operators associated with unstable vauca in non-equilibrium thermo-field dynamics'',
Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 11, No. 4(56), 687---697 (2008). [J]
- Kyo Yoshida and Toshihico Arimitsu,
``Numerical Simulation of Quantum Fluid Turbulence'',
in Yukio Kaneda, editors,
``IUTAM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence'', 379---384 (Springer, 2008).[P]
- Toshihico Arimitsu, Naoko Arimitsu, Kyo Yoshida and Hideaki Mouri,
``Multifractal PDF Analysis of Energy Dissipation Rates in Turbulence'',
in Yukio Kaneda, editors,
``IUTAM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence'', 117---123 (Springer, 2008) .[P]
- T. Arimitsu, N. Arimitsu, K. Yoshida and H. Mouri,
``Multifractal PDF Analysis for intermittent systems'',
in Claudia Riccardi and H. Eduardo Roman, editors,
``Anomalous Fluctuation Phenomena in Complex Systems: Plasmas, Fluids, and Financial Markets'', 25---55(Research Signpost, 2008).[P]
- Kyo Yoshida and Toshihico Arimitsu,
``Inertial-subrange structures of isotropic incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the Lagrangian renormalized approximation'',
Physics of Fluids 19(4), 045106-1---045106-14 (2007).[J]
(PDF, Tulips-R)
- Kyo Yoshida and Toshihico Arimitsu,
``Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence'',
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 145(1-4), 219---230 (2006).[J]
- Kyo Yoshida, Junzo Yamaguchi, and Yukio Kaneda,
``Regeneration of Small Eddies by Data Assimilation in Turbulence'',
Physical Review Letters 94, 014501-1---014501-4 (2005).[J]
(PDF, GZipped PS, Tulips-R)
Kyo Yoshida,
``Turbulent Diffusion and Lagrangian Velocity Correlation'',
Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics (Nagare) 23(3), 159---170 (2004).
(in Japanese)[O]
Yukio Kaneda and Kyo Yoshida,
``Small-scale anisotropy in stably stratified turbulence'',
New Journal of Physics 6, 34-1---34-16 (2004).[J]
Kyo Yoshida, Takashi Ishihara, and Yukio Kaneda,
``Anisotropic spectrum of homogeneous turbulent shear flow in a Lagrangian renormalized approximation'',
Physics of Fluids 15(8), 2385---2397 (2003).[J]
(PDF, GZipped PS, Tulips-R)
Kyo Yoshida, Takashi Ishihara, and Yukio Kaneda,
``LES of Stably Stratified Turbulence'',
in Yukio Kaneda and Toshiyuki Gotoh, editors,
``Statistical Theories and Computational Approaches to Turbulence, Modern Perspectives and Applications to Global-Scale Flows'', 219---228 (Springer, 2003).[P]
Kyo Yoshida, Takashi Ishihara, Daishi Fujita, Tomomichi Yamahira, and Yukio Kaneda,
``LES Modelings Based on The Lagrangian Renormalized Approximation'',
in Yukio Kaneda and Toshiyuki Gotoh, editors,
``Statistical Theories and Computational Approaches to Turbulence, Modern Perspectives and Applications to Global-Scale Flows'', 203---218 (Springer, 2003).[P]
Takashi Ishihara, Kyo Yoshida, and Yukio Kaneda,
``Anisotropic Velocity Correlation Spectrum at Small Scales in a Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow'',
Physical Review Letters 88, 154501-1---154501-4 (2002).[J]
(PDF, GZipped PS, Tulips-R)
Kyo Yoshida,
``Kraichnan Model Seminar Part 2'',
Reports of RIAM Syposium No.12ME-S3
``New Aspects of Fluid Dynamics'' 23---32 (RIAM, Kyushu Univ., May 2001). (in Japanese)[O]
GZipped PS)
Kyo Yoshida and Nozomu Hatakeyama,
``A statistical law of velocity circulations in fully developed turbulence'',
in T. Kambe, T. Nakano and T. Miyauchi, editors,
``IUTAM Symposium on Geometry and Statistics of Turbulence'', 145---150 (Kluwer, 2001).[P]
Kyo Yoshida and Yukio Kaneda,
``Anomalous Scaling of Anisotropy of Second-order Moments
in a Model of a Randomly Advected Solenoidal Vector Field'',
Physical Review E 63, 016308-1---016308-8 (2001).[J]
(PDF, GZipped PS, Tulips-R)
Kyo Yoshida and Nozomu Hatakeyama,
``Statistical Laws of Velocity Circulation
in Homogeneous Turbulence'',
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 69(6), 1661---1671 (2000).[J]
Kyo Yoshida,
``Riemannian curvature on the group of area-preserving
diffeomorphisms (motions of fluid) of 2-sphere'',
Physica D 100(3-4) , 377---389 (1997). [J]
Last Update 24 Oct 2023
Kyo Yoshida
Division of Physics
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
Room: Natural Sciences Building B, 3rd floor, Room B315
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