Sato Lab.

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Welcome to Sato Lab.

    Sato Yukie

    Yukie Sato, PhD

    Assistant Professor

    Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

    Mountain Science Center, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, JAPAN

    TRIOS, ResearchGate, Google Scholar Citations, Publons

    Research Fields

    Behavioral Ecology / Evolutionary Ecology / Applied Entomology and Zoology / Acarology

    Key words

    Speciation / Sexual selection / Mating strategy / Geographic variation / Sociality / Biological control

    Research Interests

    The general aim of my research is to reveal the mechanisms of ecological diversification at the level of species and populations, as well as speciation mechanisms. Furthermore, I deal with behavioral variations in different individuals of the same population. In particular, I focus on social behavior and mating behavior in spider mites. Spider mites are small arthropod herbivores less than 1 mm in length. They are good model organisms because they complete their development (egg to adult) in a short period (ca. 5 - 20 days under optimal conditions) and they can be mass-reared in small spaces. These advantages allow investigation of the following projects:

    ・Kin selection and kin competition

    ・Geographic variation in lethal male-male combat

    ・Reproductive isolation in spider mites

    ・Evolution of alternative male mating tactics

    ・Evolution of social behavior in spider mites

    ・Importance of characteristics of "armor (Exoskeleton)"in evolution of male combat in arthropods

    (Collaborative research project withProf Machida's laboratory for the Insect Comparative Embryology Lab

    Message to students

     Undergraduate and graduate students interested in these research projects are welcome. I may be able to assist students who have their own research projects, if the research projects are associated with my field. If you are interested in, please contact me.

    T. evansi&T. urticae