Microbes have thrived on Earth since long before multicellular organism appeared. These microbes have evolved during the long history of Earth and have also greatly contributed in developing the current eco-systems.
The strategies that the microbes use to survive are fascinating and keep on attracting our curiosity. In our laboratory, we are interested in understanding the diversity and fundamental of life through the amazing life of microbes.
■2024.3.13 | *At the 13th Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan, Kanto Branch(Tokyo University of Science, Kagurazaka Campus) Thomas Savage(M2) and Kouki Shirota(M1) gave an oral presentation. |
■2024.2.5 | *We are pleased to announce that an NHK program in which Nobuhiko Lab. assisted in the interview will be broadcast. Program name: HUMANIENCE "Oral Bacteria: The Unknown Community of Fate" Broadcast Date(BS Premium 4K): Mon, Feb 5, 2024, 22:00-23:00 p.m. Broadcast Date(BS): Tue, Feb 6, 2024, 18:00-19:00 p.m. Link |
■2024.1.29 | *
The MiCS International Seminar (Invited Speaker: Prof. Gustavo. H. Goldman, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo) will be held at the Advanced Research Build. A 110, University of Tsukuba. Date: 2024.2.5 15:00-16:30 No advanced registration required. Please come and join us!The Seminar Poster |
■2024.1.21 | *Thomas Savage(M2) gave a poster presentation at the symposium "Research on Power Generating Bacteria: Toward the Future" hosted by Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences at the Miraikan, The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. |
■2024.1.19 | *Jun Harada(M2) and Shion Komatsu(M1) gave an oral presentation at the 58th meeting of the Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection Society at the Hamagin Hall "VIA MARE", in Yokohama. Jun Harada(M2) won the Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Minoru Memorial Award. Congratulations! |
■2023.11.30 | *At the 36th JSME & The 13th ASME(Hamamatsu, Shizuoka), Kohei Takahashi(D3) and Hiroki Kawamoto(D3) gave an oral presentation. Keisuke Harada and Thomas Savage won the Excellent Poster Award. Congratulations! |
■2023.11.21 | *At the BACELL 2023(Kobe, Hyogo), Yotaro Isamu(B4) gave a poster presentation and won the Best Poster Award. Congratulations! |
■2023.11.30 | *Cancelled due to the speaker's illness(2023.12.11) The Research Seminar (Invited Speaker: Prof. Fan JIN, Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology) will be held at the Advanced Research Build. A 110, University of Tsukuba. Date: 2023.12.11 10:00-11:00 No advanced registration required. Please come and join us!The Research Seminar PDF |
■2023.8.26 | *At the 37th Meeting of The Japanese Society for Biofilm Research(Nihon University, Matsudo), And Assistant Prof. Obana, Jun Harada(M2), Ryosuke Fukuda(M2), and Tamami Ito(M2) gave an oral presentation. Harada, Fukuda and Ito won the Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists and Ito also won the Travel Award. Congratulations! |
■2023.8.25 | *At the 10th Phage Research Meeting(Hirosaki University 50th Anniversary Hall), Ayaka Uehara(D1) gave an oral presentation and won the Best Presentation Award. Congratulations! |
■2023.8.17 | *At the 17th The WAKATE COLOSSEUM for BACTERIOLOGY(Kurume City Praza), Miku Matsushita(M1) gave an oral presentation and a poster presentation. Also, Aoba Kashimata(M1), Yu Manabe(B4) and Yotaro Isamu(B4)gave a poster presentation. |
■2023.6.26 | *At the ASM Microbe 2023(Houston, US), Kohei Takahashi(D3), Ayaka Uehara(D1), Tamami Ito(M2), Jun Harada(M2) gave poster presentations. Also, Harada was adopted the Poster Spotlight Session and gave an oral presentation. |
■2023.6.7 | *We are pleased to announce that an NHK program in which Professor Nobuhiko Nomura and Research Associate Tatsuya Yamamoto assisted in the interview will be broadcast. Program name: The Trisetsu Show that will change tomorrow, The Tricks of "Towel" Re-Broadcast Date: Thursday, June 8, 2023, 16:15-17:00 p.m. (NHK Sogo 1) Schedule Link User's manual of Towel |
■2023.3.18 | *At The 96th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology 2022(Arcrea HIMEJI) Prof. Nomura gave an invited oral presentation. And Assistant Prof. Obana and Keisuke Nomura(D1), Jun Harada(M2), Ryosuke Fukuda(M2), Mio Unoki(M1), Miku Matsushita(M1) gave an oral presentation. Assistant Prof. Obana has won the Kuroya Scholarship Award and Ryosuke Fukuda(M2) and Mio Unoki(M1) won the Best Presentation Award. Congratulations! |
■2023.3.7 | *We would like to thank Horiken Ltd. (Midorino, Tsukuba City) and Tsukuba Bank, Ltd. for their donation to the Microbial Sustainability Research Center (MiCS). We thank you very much for your support and donation. |
■2023.3.3 | *The NHK programme in which the Nomura Lab. and MiCS members have assisted with interviews will be broadcast. Program name: the NHK Special "Super-Evolution" Special Edition Broadcast Date: "Special Edition" Saturday, March 4, 11:00 a.m.-11:59 a.m. (NHK BS4K) "Special Edition Part 1" Saturday, March 11, 11:00 p.m. to 0:29 a.m. (NHK BS4K) "Special Edition Part 2" Sunday, March 12, 11:20 p.m. to 0:49 a.m. (NHK BS4K) Also, the book "Super-Evolution: 4 Billion Years of Life, Approaching the Rules of the Earth", which includes the program and a long interview with Prof. Nomura, is scheduled to be released on Monday, March 6, 2012. Book Link |
■2023.2.25 | *Prof. PRANDI (Vice President, University of Turin), Ms. CIOLA (Project Consultant for International Affairs, Office of the President, University of Turin), and Prof. TRAVERSA (Science and Technology Counselor, Embassy of Italy in Japan) visited the facilities of the Nobuhiko NOMURA Laboratory (Research Center for Microbial Sustainability (MiCS)). Prof. Nomura, Assis. Prof. Utada, and Assis. Prof. Toyofuku explained about the MiCS Center and had a fruitful discussion about the research activities. |
■2023.1.11 | *The NHK programme in which the Nomura Lab. and MiCS members have assisted with interviews will be broadcast. Program name: NHK Special "Super Theory of Evolution" Vol. 3, Microbes Re-Broadcast Date: Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 1:10am (50 minutes) Details Link |
■2022.12.22 | *The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) has published an image of Assoc. Prof. Tatsuki Kuno's (first author) paper as a featured image in Issue 23! The image can be found on the top right of the link. (https://journals.asm.org/toc/aem/88/23) |
■2022.12.19 | *December 23rd,15:00JST~(Laboratory of Advanced Research Building A 107), there will be a MiCS International Seminar (Instructor:Associate Professor, YuichiroH.Takagi, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA). No pre-registration required. We look forward to your participation! MiCS International Seminar Poster |
■2022.11.22 | *At The Inter Labo Seminar of Japanese Society for Bacteriology, Kanto Branch 2022(University of Tsukuba, Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)) Dai Miyagawa(M2), Zhao Shufeng(M2) gave an oral presentation. Both of them won the Excellent Presentation Award. Congratulations! |
■2022.11.22 | *At The Japan Society for Environmental Biotechnology conference 2022(The University of Tokyo) Keisuke Nomura(M2), Zhao Shufeng(M2), Thomas Savage(M1) and Tamami Ito gave a poster presentation. Thomas Savage(M1) won the Best Poster Award. Congratulations! |
■2022.11.3 | *At the 25th jsme conference(Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido)Li Xiaojie(D1) gave an oral presentation and won the International Division Excellence Award. Hiroki Kawamoto(D2), Chikaho Sano(M2), Ayaka Uehara(M2), Zhao Shufeng(M2), Jun Harada(M1), Tamami Ito(M1), Hiromasa Tonguu(B4), Miku Matsushita(B4), Mio Unoki(B4), Aoba KashimataB4), Masahito Kataoka(B2), Yusei Suzuki(B2) gave a poster presentation. Hiroki Kawamoto(D2), Chikaho Sano(M2), Hiromasa Tonguu(B4) won the Excellence Award. Congraturations! |
■2022.11.2 | *November 8th,15:00JST~(Laboratory of Advanced Research Building A 110), there will be a MiCS International Seminar (Instructor:Prof. Antonio Di Pietro, University of Córdoba). No pre-registration required. We look forward to your participation! MiCS International Seminar Poster |
■2022.10.22 | * At the 54th Symposium on Vibrios(University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa) Assist. Prof. Tokunou and Kayuki Kawashima(M2), Mayu Okuda(M2), and Dai Miyagawa(M2) gave an oral presentation. Kayuki Kawashima(M2) won the Young Researcher Encouragement Award. Congratulations! |
■2022.10.19 | * The 18th International Seminar (Invited Speaker: Dr. Philipp Engel), organized by the ERATO FUKATSU Evolving Symbiosis Project, will be held online in collaboration with the Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability and others. (Date: 2022.11.9 16:00~JST). Please register from here |
■2022.10.18 | * At the 100th anniversary & 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan(On-line), Assoc Prof. Tatsuki Kunoh and Erika Ono(M2) gave an oral presentation. |
■2022.10.12 | *
On Oct. 14th, Friday 9:00-12:10 MiCS Seminar will be held as follows. Please come and join us. Place: University of Tsukuba, Laboratory of Advanced Research A, 111 Room Invited Speaker: Assoc Prof. Masakazu Kataoka(Shinshu University) Emeritus Prof. Shinichi Aizawa(Prefectural University of Hiroshima) MiCS Seminar Program |
■2022.9.24 | * At the 36th Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biofilm Research(Hamagin Hall VIA MARE, Yokohama) Prof. Nomura and Assistant Prof. Obana gave an invited oral presentation. Also, Erika Ono(M2), Mizuho Nakayama(M2), Jun Harada(M1), Mio Unoki(B4) gave an oral presentation. Erika Ono(M2) won the travel award and Silver Prize for the Best Presentation by a Young Person. Congratulations! |
■2022.8.25 | * At 2022 Conference on Gram-positive Bacteria Genome Function(Osaka Institute of Technology, Umeda), Mayu Okuda(M2) and Kayuki Kawashima(M2) gave a poster presentation and Ryosuke Fukuda(M1) gave an oral presentation. |
■2022.8.11 | * At the 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology(SwissTech Lausanne Convention Center), Hiroki Kawamoto(M1), Tamami Ito(M1), and Jun Harada(M1) gave a poster presentation. And Jun Harada(M1) received the support for the travel from University of Tsukuba Study Abroad Support Project (Hapata! Tsukudai Students)! |
■2022.7.13 | * Prof. Nomura is scheduled to give an invited lecture at the Science Council of Japan's Agricultural Chemistry Sectional Symposium "Challenges of Agricultural Chemistry for Achieving the SDGs: The 3rd Innovative functionalization of microorganisms and microbial feces/New developments in functional control" on Aug.18th.(On line, Free of Charge) |
■2022.3.25 | * At the graduation ceremony of graduate school of University of Tsukuba 2021, Mayumi Yano(M2), Kaoru Shibusawa(M2), and Yuki Usukura won the Degree Program in Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology's Program Leader Award. Congratulations! |
■2022.3.10 | * Assistant Prof. Masanori Toyofuku won the 31st Tsukuba Honorable Award,Young Researchers Division. Congratulations! |
■2022.2.18 | * At the Meeting of the 56th Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection Society, Mayumi Yano(M2) won the Minoru Memorial Honorable Award. Congratulations! |
■2022.2.18 | * The 11th International Seminar (Invited Speaker: Prof. Steve Perlman), organized by the ERATO FUKATSU Evolving Symbiosis Project, will be held online in collaboration with the ERATO NOMURA Microbial Community Control Project and others. (Date: 2022.2.25 10:00~JST). |
2021.11.24 | *EMBO Workshop 2021, Bacterial Membrane Vesicles -Biogenesis, functions and medical applications JST ERATO Nomura Microbial Control Project and others co-hosted an international conference on the main theme of Bacterium (Venue: Tsukuba International Congress Center, Hybrid Delivery). |
■2021.10.28 | *We will hold The final Symposium of JST ERATO Nomura Microbial Community Control Project We look forward to your participation! The final Symposium of JST ERATO Nomura Microbial Community Control Project(2021/12/20 10:00-17:50, Venue:University of Tsukuba) |
■2021.10.28 | *Associate Professor Masanori Toyofuku and Associate Professor Norio Takeshita of the JST ERATO Nomura Project received the Nemoto Award from the Federation of Microbiological Societies Japan. We look forward to your participation at the Award Lecture. The Nemoto Award lecture(2021/12/3 14:00-16:00, Venue:Zoom) |
■2021.9.16 | *JST ERATO NOMURA Project will co-host The Special Session S-2 at TSUKUBA CONFERENCE 2021 (2021/9/30 9:00-12:30 ON-LINE/Participation fee:Free). We look forward to your participation! Japanese Visions For 2050: How Can Science And Technology Contribute To A Better Society? |
■2021.7.21 | *JST ERATO NOMURA Project will co-host EMBO Workshop 2021(2021/11/23-26). We look forward to your participation and presentation! Registration Deadline:October 15th EMBO Biologists Workshop Bacterial membrane vesicles: Biogenesis, functions and medical applications |
■2021.7.13 | *
Due to the server relocation of the Nomura Lab homepage, the homepage address has been changed. New address: https://www.u.tsukuba.ac.jp/~nomura.nobuhiko.ge/ |
■2021.5.21 | * The 3rd International Seminar (Invited Speaker: Prof. John Glass), organized by the ERATO FUKATSU Evolving Symbiosis Project, will be held online in collaboration with the ERATO NOMURA Microbial Community Control Project and others. (Date: 2021.6.11 9:00~JST). |
■2021.5.1 | *Our JST ERATO Nomura Progect has been featured on the JST public relations magazine JST News 2021 May. |
■2021.3.25 | *At the graduation ceremony of graduate school of University of Tsukuba 2020, Ryo Nagasawa(D3) won the President's Award and gave a acknowledement as the students' representative. Nanako Ito(M2), Kohei Takahashi(M2), Yoshihiko Tabushi(M2) and Tomohiro Hirayama(M2) won the Dean's Award. Ayaka Uehara(B4) won the Excellence Award in graduation research from the School of Agro-Biological Resource Sciences. Congratulations! |
The Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability (MiCS) has established in October 2018 at University of Tsukuba. In order to contribute to all the microbial fields in Medical, Engineering, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, MiCS provides a strong network of faculty members and researchers. By promoting advanced researches on the control and the utilization of microbes deeply related to our global environment and all living things, MiCS aims to solve various global issues and to create a sustainable society.
Director: Prof.Nobuhiko Nomura, Deputy Director: Prof.Naoki Takaya(2022.4.1-)
Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability
"JST ACT-X Project" is Prof. Nomura's on-going project.
Please check the project website for more information!
JST ACT-X Project
"JST ERATO Nomura Microbial Community Control Project" has produced numerous results not only in microbiology but in various other domains and has led to new and fruitful collaborations. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your support and cooperation over the past six and a half years.
JST ERATO Nomura Microbial Community Control Project