Journal Club

Every Tuesday afternoon, we are having Journal club to share the up-to-date news in physics or interesting arXiv papers. The presentation materials are only accessible internally.
The meeting will be held in Tuesday noon, 15:15- @ sougou-B 310.
Current member: Tokura, Nakamura, Takada, Yoshida, Yamamoto, Kamimura, Kasai, Kawasoe, Miki, Fujimoto, Imakire
Observers: Ishikawa, Matsuzaki, Kawabata, Okazaki, Masuda, Kondo
Journal club will be conducted via Zoom.


Affiliation:Doctoral and Master's Programs in Physics | Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
University of Tsukuba | Tokura-Kubo Laboratory
Postal address:1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8571
Room: Laboratory of Advanced Research B, 510-2B E-mail: tokura.yasuhiro.ft(at)

Last update: Apr. 9, 2024.