Group meetings

Every Monday (11:40-13:30), we are having group meetings to discuss the research progress and various issues. Since the meeting time is on lunch time, you, expect the presenter, can each lunch during the meeting time! Discussions should be in English, except for the undergraduate students. The presentation materials should be put on the group DropBox, which are only accessible internally.
The meeting is held face-to-face. It it is requested we may have remotely with Zoom.


Affiliation:Doctoral and Master's Programs in Physics | Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
University of Tsukuba | Tokura-Kubo Laboratory
Postal address:1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8571
Room: Laboratory of Advanced Research B, 510-2B E-mail: tokura.yasuhiro.ft(at)

Last update: Apr. 9, 2024.